Saturday, February 28, 2009

My House

Well.. QUA was the biggest let down >.> They CLEARLY stated "new stock" yet it was the dissapointment of the world.. It is horrendous the amount of stock avaliable and like.. it was jsut sad...

Chiense school was GAY!!!! They made us have arranged seating was REALLY REALLY STUPID!!!! AND GAYYYYY!! Year 12 and we have arranged seatings.. what gayness....

Anyways... It seems that my hosue has become the stop-over destination for Josh and David... seems after every chiense school class... at least once a fortnight they will jsut crash my house... I dun get it >.<

But yes... Chiense school is homo and Jsh and DAvid are on a date back home.. Strangley enough... its quite entertaining Chiense SChool...

Josh somehow managed to pull his thigh muscle when closing the door... Brendom dyed his hair from brown to HAZLENUT brown... and David kept repeating words behind me when i was reading >.< SO ANNOYING


кééäи тдп

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