Monday, March 2, 2009

A New Week


Today Slept in.. Good sleep =] Then I walked to school. i was bored at school and there was 5 minutes to class... too little time to go to the library, to much time to count my fingers so I just waited outside of my class for chinese. Hey guess what>?! My chinese teacher wasn't there so another period off~!! I could have slept an extra half an hour~! Grrr...

At lunch time i saw brendan in the distance... he was getting closer. He looked a bit different...AH! He's got blue contacts!! okay not He had only 1 on. Lol he said it took him 40 minutes to put 1 on. Scary o.o! Highlight for today goes to JOSH yay hooray for josh and his fantastic stunts! you wanna know what happened? My good friend Joshua Tan Wei Ren and all my friends had this jazz session. And Josh picked on me , as i was watch he turned around and before I knew it BOOOM!! Ouch? I'm on the floor.

No he didn't hit me on the head. Think more below the belt. Cool. Nice one Josh. Well it took me about 5 minutes to recoop and get up. after lunch I saw brendan again! yay =] And this time with his second contact! "Must of took him the whole lunch time==" I walk to the library with josh. He had some problems with his AGM Hw. He doesn't listen to me( Just cause he beat me on the first AGM Test, But I beat you in methods RAWR!!)

Hey another thing! Vic Police Sms Texted me. =] So did Josh ==" And the people around me. Hmmm I thought only the government cared about me lol. Well I Had a great day!! Only if Josh didn't hurt me fatally below the belt it would have been an AWSOME day. But its not.

Enjoy the rest of you week and the rest of this month. Have a good one!


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